Cap Nord Voyages
Discovering the north of Madagascar...
You certainly used to know Diego Suarez as an ancient French naval base. We want to enable you to discover another perspective of this magnificent city through expeditions in the sea, excursions on the continent or in the sea, with the possibility of fishing incredible animal species.
Diego Suarez is a city blessed by nature, as it has a multitude of captivating reliefs, like the Red Tsingy or the Ankarana reliefs, favorable for backpacking in a wild and welcoming nature. At sea, the bays and the richness of its seabed will amaze connoisseurs and charm novices. With such natural beauty, we ought to provide you the best services of a dynamic team and will always are on the lookout for your every desire.
In that way, every single trip and every shot will give you great memories of our beautiful country.